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coconut oil CPC

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Brand: Malaysian
Product Code: oil
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For hair lengthening, lengthening and intensification only, but the truth is that it is a source of explosive energy for the whole body

It is not only for hair lengthening, thickening and lengthening, but the new one, which may surprise you, because it straightens curly hair and can be used as a moisturizing and softening hair serum.

Coconut oil is an integrated world for healthy hair and skin, agility and reducing excess weight

Coconut oil: One of the most important products of the coconut fruit is the unique oil that is extracted from it, which is usually done by peeling the fruit and then opening it to get the liquid inside, which is the milk, then placed in a deep container for 24 hours with cover and after passing or 36 Hourly, the oil separates naturally or automatically to be of a beautiful clear color, interesting smell and delicious taste, thus obtaining a useful oil for all therapeutic and culinary purposes.

Coconut Oil Benefits:

Skin moisturizing oil.

Hair conditioning oil.


What are the benefits of coconut oil for hair (nargile oil):??

Women in South Asia use coconut oil to soften the scalp, cleanse it, and strengthen the hair to make it longer. The use of coconut oil has spread throughout the world for hair care after knowing its multiple benefits for hair.

Among the many benefits of coconut oil for hair (nargile oil):

Coconut oil moisturizes the scalp and makes the hair strong and smooth as silk.

The oil nourishes the scalp and repairs damaged and stressed hair, especially dyed hair that is exposed to the heat of a hair dryer daily.

The oil treats the problem of dandruff of the scalp and gets rid of it permanently.

Coconut oil helps to prolong hair because it nourishes the hair and strengthens it from its rootsAnd prevents breakage and falling.

It is an oil with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which is why it cleanses the scalp

Coconut oil contains fatty acids that nourish the hair and restore its luster.

Do you know that coconut oil is the best oil for fitness and weight loss?

Coconut oil does not turn into fat in your body.

Coconut oil will not cause you to gain weight. It provides the body with the necessary energy without turning into fat and it is easy to burn. Because coconut oil has this characteristic, it is more easily absorbed by the body and faster in its transformation into energy.

Coconut oil increases calorie burning.

Not only does coconut oil transform into quick energy in your body, but it also increases the calorie burning rate, which promotes weight loss. Because it enhances the rate of burning calories in your body, it helps your body to burn fat more effectivelyCoconut oil gives you energy.

Because of the healthy fatty acid in coconut oil and the fact that it is known to increase calorie burning, most people who switch to coconut oil feel a blast of extra energy in their daily lives.

This is because coconut oil is the richest natural source of medium chain triglycerides, which increases the rate of burning calories and leads to weight loss. This substance enhances calorie burning and energy production. Many religious people suffer from weakness and general and chronic fatigue and find that adding coconut oil to their diets is very beneficial for them.

You can use it for your skin and hair is coconut oil.

Coconut oil is one of the best things that you can use directly on your skin and hair.قومي بتدفئة كمية من الزيت تناسب طول شعرك و لاتسخنيها كثيرا كي لا تحرقي فروة رأسك ثم قومي بدهن شعرك بدءا بالأطراف و ادهني فروة رأسك بما تبقى من الزيت مع التدليك بلطف و اتركي الزيت على شعرك لمدة لا تقل عن ٣٠ دقيقة ويفضل لبس البروكاب ليستفيد الشعر بالزيت أضعاف مضاعفة ثم إغسلي الشعر بالشامبو و ضعي القليل من البلسم على أطرافه و قومي بتشطيفه جيدا و بعدها جففي شعرك و سرحيه كالعادة. يمكنك إستخدام فوطة مبللة بالماء الساخن بدلا من تدفئة الزيت و تغطية الشعر بها قبل غسله.

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